Friday, 6 June 2008

Gay activist accuses Moscow gay parade organizer in a series of provocations

Moscow, June 6, Interfax - One of the Russia's gay-movement activists accused organizer of Moscow gay parade organizer Nikolay Alexeyev in provocative actions.

"The GayRussia movement headed by Alexeyev turns from a human rights center to an extremist fanatic company," chief editor of the LGBT Rights website Nuar Nechayev writes in his article Nikolay Alexeyev: human rights advocate or extremists?

Nechayev gives a detailed description of Alexeyev's provocative, as he believes, behavior in the conflict with the former State Duma MP Alexander Chuyev kindled after K baryeru (To the Barrier) program broadcasted by NTV.

The author claims that Alexeyev's another "victim" is "a LGBT coryphaeus in Russia" and founder of the website Eduard Mishin who together with other representatives of sex minorities spoke against gay parade in 2006. According to Nechayev, in revenge Alexeyev tried to "discredit" Mishin all through year 2007 and once even decided to intimidate the latter and chocked the Indigo shop belonging to Mishin with homophobic slogans.

"Now Mr. Alexeyev has chosen a new victim, Boris Moiseyev, whom he accuses in all the LGBT troubles. This new chase may have unpredictable results, Nechayev said.

Both gay singer Moiseyev and Mishin don't approve of Moscow gay parade activists' insistence on conducting the action in the Russian capital despite the protests of society and authorities.

Finally, Nechayev asks Moscow mayor Yury Luzhkov not to consider Alexeyev's "personal dislike" as "absolute antagonism of multimillion representatives of this (LGBT - IF) community against Yury Luzhkov's personality."

In conclusion, he addresses mayors of London, Berlin, Paris and San Paolo and staff members of foreign embassies "who communicate with Nikolay Alexeyev," foreign LGBT organizations and deputies of the European Parliament.

"We don't doubt your sincerity when you back up the idea of gay emancipation in Russia. But please, believe me, end doesn't justify means and the person you trust is extremely promiscuous in his means. All the facts, I have cited, are not solitary. You have to think over the person you trust," Nechayev said.

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