Sunday, 27 July 2008

The 6th Gay&lesbian Festival To Be Held In Omsk Under 'The Year Of The Family' Sign

The 6th Siberian Gay&lesbian Festival will start tomorrow near the city of Omsk.
Meetings with old and new friends, games, competitions, art and sport events, kebab-cooking, disco under the sky are to be organised for participants during two days of the festival.
The festival is traditionally held in tent camping with a picturesque view. The organisers of the festival are especially glad for same-sex-copuples participants because of The year of the family in Russia.
The organisers of the festival are LGTB association "Favorit", project "Pulsar" and gay night party "At Sergey's".

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

The 1st Rockin' Girlz Festival soon in Moscow

On July 31st in Moscow will be held the first "Rockin' Girlz" women rock festival in PLAN B Club. It's motto: "The Day of African Woman".

According to its organizers, this festival gathers together under its aegis different music bands that have more than once already performed in Moscow's clubs. Only the most talented and exciting girls are selected for the performance. Kaffein, MirT, Katya Chikvina (on foto) and many other performers have passed the casting. All of them will perform rock music, however every music team is very likely to add its unique individuality and spirit.
The motto "The Day of African Woman" is chosen not by an accident. Internationally, the 31st of July is a Day of African Woman. African theme will be heard in sounds of the drums and also girls from the music studio "The Voice of Africa" are scheduled to perform at this festival.
The organizers are saying that "there is still a scanty number of really popular and recognised women rock groups around the world" and have serious intention to shift this situation.
For any information please contact Elena Kalinichenko (e-mail:, cell phone +7 926 563 9741).

Monday, 14 July 2008

Berlinale extends LGBT Film Festival in St. Petersburg

Gay.Ru was informed that The Berlin International Festival probably will support Russia's First International LGBT Film Festival "Bok-o-bok" in St. Petersburg.
Organizers of this film festival met with active resistance of religious homophobes in the film industry of St. Petersburg. As a result, the plan of the festival was subjected to the public dishonor in mass media. Nevertheless a new venue for the festival is already defined. It will be one of the best cinemas in the “Northern Palmyra”. Festival has got the first international sponsors who support gay cultural projects worldwide.
Contest program is defined. As it turned out, program can be well represented and it can even argue with Moscow International Film festival. All films have already been marked by major film festivals of Class A. Even Oscar holders are in the list. Several directors crowned with laurels have confirmed their participation in the festival.
The festival "Bok-o-bok" is still needed the support of patrons. Serious sponsorship could be discussed with its organizers and volunteers can write .

Friday, 4 July 2008

Chairman of the Union of journalists of Russia: television advertieses homosexual marriages

Chairman of the Union of journalists of Russia Vsevolod Bogdanov believes that TV "advertises homosexual marriages". He declared it during an interview for conservative "Literarurnaya gazeta" while answering a question regarding the attitude to family values in Russia.
"I think that family values must not be changed just as Bible trues cannot be changed...", said Bogdanov. "Although we try to overtake it sometimes which is for example what now TV does, advertising homosexual marriages, showing how envy or evil can be attractive..."
It is remarkable that it was only Bogdanov (out of six known scientists and artists) who attacked homosexuals in his speech. It is easy to find homophoby - slightly softened by using conditional sentence - in Bogdanov's line: homosexual marrige, envy, evil.. As easy as in the formula of "propaganda" of clericals and nazis that are so miserable in their hate to people of different sexual orientation.
The embarassing point is that this opinion belongs to the leader of a big public organisation - The union of journalists while such a profession is about destroying myths - not establishing them.
Homosexuals in Russia lack the right to create family, to give birth to children and grow them. But it does not prevent homophobic and clerical groups of accusing LGTB society in hardly all the problems of demography.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Celebrating 5 years behind. Kvir magazine prints the 60th issue.

The 60th (jubilee) number of the most popular Russian LGBT periodical "Kvir" ("Queer") has been published early this month. In September 2008 "Kvir" celebrates its fifth anniversary!
We would like to remind you that the pilot issue of "Kvir" came out in August 2003, while the next issue was on sale in all Moscow's gay clubs only one month later.
The charity foundation "Together" was the publisher. According to the data obtained from the Russian Union of the Press Distributors, in just a year, being freely distributed via general distribution networks, in 2005 and 2007 the magazine succeeded to outrun several times in sales such glossy press brands as "The GQ" and others. Entire pages of the British "The Times", "The Independent" and Italian "La Repubblica" were dedicated to the first Russian gay glossy magazine.
"Had I known what difficulties I were to face, I would have never published "Kvir", says Ed Mishin, its publisher. "It was a huge scope of work, finance and other hardships. I had to be up against a blank wall... Just imagine, we bring the magazine to distributors, but they say: "We won't put it on sale". Even incentives were not accepted". On the Russian market there's a number of companies, some of them are being known as the key players in this sector of the market, declaring that they do not want to deal with gay-related editions". "It is of no importance for us that your magazine is not an erotic one and that you have for every edition of your periodical the official resolution of the Experts Council stating that "Kvir" is a good, correct periodical and can be distributed freely."
Later Ed Mishin was in general satisfied how things were going with the "Kvir". "New authors want to work with us. Well known journalists, not only gay, quite easily agree to work in our team. And I think that with the authors it would be somewhat easier (to work with). But from the general point of view on the project as a whole, certainly, it is still very difficult because even now we have to bend much effort to jump over hurdles...".
Gennady Trifonov, a writer and a poet from Saint-Petersburg, reflects, "It would be a serious mistake to consider that "Kvir" popularizes homosexuality in a meaning that homophobes and other people with evident mental deviations are used to know. I work with the "Kvir" since 2005 and I can confirm how seriously the articles, sent to the editorial from various authors that dream of being published in it, are selected and approved for printing. A serious barrier is given by the Editorial to any platitude, scabrousness, cheap sensations and demi-monde gossips. I think, the best publications of "Kvir" are subordinated to the Hellenic paedagogical Eros and published here verses, prose and pamphletes are permeated with the air of Antiquity - the Golden time of Humanity. That's why I refused the proposals to publish with from other russian magazines even for a good sum of money. Even in the "Kontinent" ("Continent") I do not show up for a long time. What for? The reader of the "Kvir" is my near, dear and understanding friend.
KVIR project page (in English) >>
Buy KVIR Magazine (in Russian) >>
Translation by Yerdna Bananes